Tuesday, November 1, 2011

New things I am Learning

Just made it though my first trimester!  However, I am still needing extra sleep and naps.  I have felt good for the most part.  There were days of nausea, queasiness, and just not feeling good.  But I found that running helped me feel better and the fresh air was refreshing.  Teaching my running classes also helped me get up in the morning and get moving when I didn't want to!  Exercise is really the best medicine!

There are times I feel 9+ months is a long time to make a baby!  But then I think of all the things to get ready for a baby, and I guess it is the perfect amount of time.  At first I was counting the days of how far along I was, and it seemed like I would never have this baby!  But now spring seems so close and the holidays will fly by!  Every couple I talk to with a baby tell me what they recommend to get for this or that.  There is just so many things you have to think about with a baby!  Stroller, jogger, carseat, craddle, crib, swing, breat pump, bottles, pacifier, diapers, blankets, toys, clothes for every month, changer, diaper bag, lotion, powder, wipes, medicine, and the list goes on and on!!

I am so excited to have a baby and for Tanner and I to be parents!  Crazy!!  This is really the most exciting thing to worry about :) 

So far Tanner is having a successful first semester in Medical School.  He loves everything he is learning and feels the program is perfect for him.  While Tanner has not decided on a specific field of practice, he is discovering more of his interets.  It is fun to talk about our future and how many kids we will have when he is done with everything.  Having no kids yet, I really have no idea what I am getting into.  But I know we are moving forward and learning as we go. 

Happy November! 
P.S. Today it is snowing!  What???