Monday, January 28, 2013

Baby tips I've picked up

We've started a new year.  Months are passing and Lee is now 10 months old!  Tanner is finishing up his 2nd year this spring and preping for the boards this summer.  I am training for my spring/summer races before it's time to scale back for number 2.

Thinking back on 2012, I realized how many changes have happened through having Lee and how much I have learned through these short 10 months.

Here's a short list of some key things:

1.  As soon as Lee was born she wore a hat.  Now she will wear headbands and hats, no problem.

2.  Bathtime should be warm and cozy!  Putting a warm washcloth on Lee's tummy while she lies back in her mesh chair really makes for an enjoyable (and warm) bathtime experience.

3.  Lee has never liked baby food.  So forget the jars of mush!  Lee likes real mashed, chunky bananas.  She wants to hold sticks of baked sweet potato and eat at her own pace.  Lee picks up pieces of bread, hard crackers/biscuits, and cereal puffs with her finger and thumb and after careful examination, eats it!

4.  Having a regular nap and bedtime routine makes for one happy baby!  And happy parents.  This was not possible till just a couple months ago. 

It is so fun experimenting with new things and discovering what Lee likes.  One thing that we both have in common is music.  When your listening to music, you've got to sing!